We have completed the “strategy” module where we carried out the internal, customer, and competitor analysis, created our personas, positioning, growth funnels, and finally set our key metrics. Now you are ready to plan some growth marketing tactics, and we will show you how.
Put most simply, user engagement is the desired action your website visitors or users that download your app take. An example of these actions would be: subscribing to a newsletter, purchasing a product, sharing your content/app on social media, taking surveys, or spending more time on your website/app. And, of course, high engagement means higher conversion rates.
There are many ways you can create and improve user engagement, but in this article, we will focus more on how to plan website/app engagement tactics. Here is a quick exercise for you on how to create new plans and easily track them through our online learning platform: the Growth Marketing Hub. And don’t worry if you don’t have an established brand. The Growth Marketing Hub is designed to give you the opportunity to exercise each module and process so that you can just practice and learn.
You might need the data from your Growth Marketing Strategy input (full brand check-up, personas, positioning, etc., in order to build your website/app engagement plans. Before you start, please make sure you have completed the previous stages on the Growth Marketing Hub.
For those who don’t have an established brand, or if you haven’t completed the previous steps, you can use the Growth Marketing Hub to simply exercise each module and process.
We start with the “Website/App Engagement Planning” menu at the Growth Marketing Hub panel. You can select the “Create a New Tactic” box from the menu to set a goal.
At this step, you can either choose one of the brands/products you have created at the “Internal Analysis” phase- from the dropdown menu, or you can easily create a new brand.
Select an existing brand:
Or create a new brand:
Click “NEXT STEP” to proceed.
Again, you can choose one of the personas you have created at the “Persona Creation” phase- from the dropdown menu, create a new persona or you can choose all personas.
Choose an existing (specific) persona:
Create a new persona:
Choose all personas:
Here, you will choose whether your tactic is for website engagement or app engagement. You can have more than one engagement goal. For example, in one slider you can both target a specific event and aim to receive phone calls.
You can only choose one engagement type to attract app users/website visitors. In our example, we decided to build some social traffic through a pop-up that will encourage our website visitors to like or interact with our social media channels.
As you can see from the example, our message is based on our engagement goal which is creating social traffic. We targeted the website visitors who come to our site from the US, and we show them with a pop-up 10 seconds after they arrive on our site.
The related growth metrics for this scenario would be Facebook Impressions, Facebook Visitors, Facebook Followers, and Engagement on Facebook. And we plan to carry out this engagement scenario until 29/04/2021.
Ready? Click SUBMIT!
You can see all of your created Web/App Engagement Tactics for each brand/product and persona on this screen. The first tactic you see on the display will be the last one you created.
You can also create a new tactic, copy, print, and download your plan as an excel sheet or PDFs, or remove the tactics you have completed or want to delete from the list.
When you click “details”, you will access the tactic details, where you can copy or delete the tactic separately.